Tuesday, December 3, 2013

You Can't Make This Stuff Up #3

In this section, I feel that I learned a whole lesson opposed to small pieces of advice. What was mainly focused on was Building Blocks, or scenes.  How Gutkind suggested to determine the ratio of information to scenes was the highlighting test. I can understand how this would work through his examples, but I feel that if I thought of writing that way, there would be more separation in my writing opposed to fluidity.. Instead of a highlighting test, I usually read through the paper and try it find the information embedded in the scenes and if they are harder to find, then I know I used enough of the "building blocks". I like how Gutkind expanded on this idea with explaining the Creative NonFiction Dance. Using visuals as well as a verbal explanation cemented the order (Scene, information, Scene with embedded information, information, etc.)  in my brain. What made me truly appreciate Gutkinds writing though, was the annotations on the piece " Difficult Decisions". Not only did he teach the subject, use his own advice in examples, but he also walks the reader through a crash course with the subject. I look forward to more of Gutkinds explanations through the rest of the book.

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