Monday, December 16, 2013

Eng III Vocab 3-4 Original Comp

“Your people watching has become obsessive, Olivia, have you heard any of what I said?” Michael waves his had in front of her face, trying to motion her attention back to the archaic coffee table. 
“I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”  Olivia asks, stirring her coffee idly.
Sighing heavily, Michael repeats “Your professor is inducing you into work that is not conducive. I have sat in on his lectures before and his constant tangents on evolution are an attack on religion. With a man that is more of a demagogue than a teacher, what will you gain? How do you expect your mother and me to pay for this education when you’re not investing in a future for yourself?”
Fidgeting with the porcelain cup in hand, Olivia slides uneasily in her chair, looking around the café, channeling her anger into the right words. “How dare you speak so egregiously of that astounding man? He has inspired me to think beyond the constraints of the Bible, beyond my Sunday school teachings. Professor Mendalli has introduced me into a world that is outside of the box of rote recitation and text book answers. If he is not an icon, I don’t know what would be.” Peering deep into the eyes of her step-father, she silently annunciates her point.
“Don’t be so hard-headed, Olivia. I am simply looking out for your future and taking note of this rebellious stage of yours. You will get over this phase before too long and it is important to that you have solid work to fall back on.” Michael leans back in the oak chair, weaving his fingers in one another, with a look of ease and puissance.
“I do believe I am capable of finding my own way. This is my future after all, I am in charge of it and I can shape it however I please.” With great assertion, Olivia stands, slamming her palms on the table, shaking the delicate porcelain glasses and sending waves through their contents.  “You may have your opinion, but under no circumstances are you a potentate over me. My mother chose to marry you and have you in her life, but I did not.”
Amidst his obvious agitation, Michael remained seated, keeping a cold eye on his step- daughter.  “You had better watch your tongue, young lady. I could just as easily quit funding this silly endeavor of yours. Whether or not you like it, you will terminate your communication with Professor Mendalli and focus on your other classes, putting an end to this childish anarchy.”
“So if I continue to participate in his lectures, you will cut me off?” Sitting gracefully, Olivia crosses her arms in opposition.
“Ah, so now you see my point. Exactly.” With a grin of satisfaction, Michael relents, knowing he had won the battle.
“Then so be it.”

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